Deflecting our burdens
Be careful when you feel like putting your burdens on others. It's good to have someone you trust to talk to about the things weighing you down. It's great when they understand the value of selflessness and come to help you carry that burden. But be careful... We like to deflect our burdens onto others rather than dealing with our own self. We like to blame others rather than stopping to examine our own life. We make excuses attempting to make ourselves feel better, but that feeling is fleeting. We will never grow if we go through life saying it's not our fault. Instead, stop and think about your situation before deflecting it on others. Take a breath and ask the Holy Spirit for help. Live open and willing to examine your own life. This process is not always corrective. Most of the time, we just need some adjustment, or we need more learning and awareness to move forward in a healthy way. Self never wants to be examined. Deflecting our issues on others is selfish. The self...