The spiritual life comes with battles. Its part of life when you swim up stream. It just happens when your mission in life is to tear down and build up over and over again. You may not expect it, but you will face many battles within the church. People love religion, they like to be comfortable and protect an identity that affirms self more that Christ. They will defend that and put up the shield wall when you come with a word from the Lord. When you listen to the Holy Spirit, you have to hold everything at a distance. Don't just grab what feels good or looks good. Wait on the Spirit to release those things to you, to give those things to you. Be ready to tear down anything you built in self to make room for more of what comes from him. If the Holy Spirit tells you to fight, then pick up that sword and shield and stand you ground. If he is telling you something else, then do that, and let others do what they do.