My Healer
I know the unfortunate back story behind the song "Healer" sung by Michael Guglielmucci, but I still think its a powerful song and it touches me every time I hear it. Jesus truly is all we need and we must come to a realization of that in this day and hour. When God's church rises up in power to show the Word the glory of the Lord, it will be because they have finally grasped the simple fact that Jesus is everything and He is all we need. I don't want more programs and ministries and methods, I just want Jesus.
Jesus is the one who is a shield about me. He is the one who clothes me with His righteousness and His grace. He is the one who never leaves me nor forsakes me. He is the one who will walk through the fire with me and shields me from the flames. He is the one who understands my heart when no one else does. He is the sum all my joys, hopes, and dreams . He is the one who fills me with His vision and His outlook on life. He is the one who speaks and His voice touches every part of the entirety of my life all at once and with it brings the very perfection of clarity and understanding. He is the one who loves and loves and keeps on loving. He is the one who cast out all my fear. He has set me free and filled my life with hope. He is the one who comes to rescue me day after day after day. He heals me and comforts me and fills me. He satisfies and fulfills my every need and answers my every question. He is my every moment and my every possibility. He is the one who makes the mountains low before me and causes the valleys to come up. He makes streams in the dessert and always makes a way where there seems to be no way. He is my Lord, my Savior, my redeemer, my King, my friend, my hope, my strength, my shield, my deliverer, my refuge, my healer, my hero, my inheritance, my portion, my Jesus and He is all I need!
Jesus is the one who is a shield about me. He is the one who clothes me with His righteousness and His grace. He is the one who never leaves me nor forsakes me. He is the one who will walk through the fire with me and shields me from the flames. He is the one who understands my heart when no one else does. He is the sum all my joys, hopes, and dreams . He is the one who fills me with His vision and His outlook on life. He is the one who speaks and His voice touches every part of the entirety of my life all at once and with it brings the very perfection of clarity and understanding. He is the one who loves and loves and keeps on loving. He is the one who cast out all my fear. He has set me free and filled my life with hope. He is the one who comes to rescue me day after day after day. He heals me and comforts me and fills me. He satisfies and fulfills my every need and answers my every question. He is my every moment and my every possibility. He is the one who makes the mountains low before me and causes the valleys to come up. He makes streams in the dessert and always makes a way where there seems to be no way. He is my Lord, my Savior, my redeemer, my King, my friend, my hope, my strength, my shield, my deliverer, my refuge, my healer, my hero, my inheritance, my portion, my Jesus and He is all I need!