Run with Confidence

I'm teaching on Galatians 3:3 and Hebrews 12:1 tomorrow night at LIFE House Church Bethel. Gonna be good because God is speaking.

I was just thinking that when God gives us revelation we need to run with confidence. I have encountered a few people lately who share with me the revelation God has given them and they seem a little hesitant and a little unsure about running with it. I know it is because we place our confidence in self and not in Christ. I will always be unsure about running in my own strength but running with Christ is another matter. He lifts me up and fills me with strength and endurance. His Spirit helps me cast aside every weight that slows me down. He empowers me and gives me the resource I need to run to win.

When you get that revelation, that Word that He whispers into your heart, boldly step up to the line, set your focus, and get ready to run like the wind.

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