
Today I started reading Discernment by Henri Nouwen. "The premise of this book is that God is always speaking to us - individually and as the people of God- at different times and in many ways..." The author goes on to say "When we are rooted in prayer and solitude and form part of a community of faith, certain signs are given to us in daily life as we struggle for answers to spiritual questions. The books we read, the nature we enjoy, the people we meet, and the events we experience contain within themselves signs of God's presence and guidance day by day."  I agree. I think many people have difficulty maintaining the spiritual disciplines like prayer, solitude, ect. These things condition our heart to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading. Our hearts and mind become aligned with God's heart and we begin to discern His voice in daily life. We cannot neglect these disciplines if we hope to practice discernment.

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