Waiting Upon God - Part 6
"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31, ESV).
The results of having renewed strength is to mount up with wings as eagles. Follette believes this is a great analogy because the eagle can not only fly at high altitudes, but sustains its flight for long periods of time. God has called us to live in the heavens sustained by His strength. Follette writes "Let us trust the Spirit to hold us in our lofty place. While there, our vision of things is vastly different." Our focus is no longer on the overwhelming problems or the seeming impossibility of our circumstances. From this height we see with God strength and with God possibilities. Its vital that we learn to wait upon the Lord, exchange our strength for His, and reach the heights of a new spiritual perspective. This is how things change in our lives. Often in the midst of our circumstances, God has already made a provision for us. He provides the answers all around us, but we get mired down in the natural and can't break free from the same old thinking. God wants to lift us up and set us free.