The Syntax of Prayer
Foster says "loving is the syntax of prayer." He describes it as "an enduring and continuing love relationship with the great God of the universe." This kind of love "invites a response." This is the key to prayer. Do we enter into prayer attempting to maintain self and get God's blessing on our own agenda? I usually only talk to God about the things I'm interested in. What kind of relationship is that? Do we have the courage to enter into his presence with nothing, letting his love wash over us? Will we allow the Holy Spirit to change us and fill us? If he fills us with love, then we must respond with love for others. His love is the very thing we need and the thing others need.
I encourage you to come into God's presence in prayer in this way. Set aside a specific amount of time for this purpose and see what God will do. He is longing to be with us, to fellowship with us, and to fill us with his love.