Being Human - Who am I?

"Jesus came to show us who we are"

I heard Rob Bell share this profound statement. I know Jesus has made a place for me. I know in him I have the promise of eternal life. Thats all great and one day I will be set free to explore that new existence. But right now, I think the most important question I can ask is who am I? 

Jesus didn't come just to tell us we were lost. He came to tell us we were once lost, but now were found! He came to rescue us, to make a way for us, and to show us who we are as human beings created in God's image. He shows me that I am an adopted son in his own family, that I am invited in and welcome in his kingdom. He shows me that I am loved and seen and valued beyond measure. He shows me what it means to be free and to experience his goodness and live the life he intended for me from before time began.

In him, through him, and because of him I know who I am!

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