Headship - Intercession

What is the biblical idea of headship? What does it mean to be the head of a household? I've been discussing this with Seth recently and we're working on a developing definition.

Headship is the opportunity for the head of a household to make a space for the Holy Spirit to work. God has always been making dwelling spaces where God and man can come together. Places like Earth, Eden, the ark, the tabernacle, the temple, the inner man, the new Heaven and new Earth, and many more that I'm discovering all the time.

When the head of the household yields to the responsibility of headship, they will have the opportunity for deeper discernment and intercession for those in their house. The Holy Spirit does not lay a mantle of responsibility on someone without giving them the tools needed to do the job. That requires submission and openness to the Holy Spirit from the head. Many see submission to headship as devaluing a person or their place in the household. Actually, this space is meant to lift up and exalt those in the household. When we allow the Holy Spirit to create that space, there is love, kindness, dignity, respect, abundance, and freedom. 

Intercession will require to head to place the needs of the others above their own. It calls them to vigilance and awareness in order to stay close to the Holy Spirit where they can effectively intercede for others.

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